Product feature: No-code theming

Product feature: No-code theming

Apr 1, 2024

We are thrilled to announce our latest product feature: No-code Theming.

These past weeks, we've been hard at work to build a theming capability for our onboarding product, the No-code. This lets you configure the colors, add your custom fonts, your logotype and much more to make sure the onboarding experience matches your brand. First, we'd like to discuss two key points as to why theming the No-code is beneficial for our customers. And then, we'd like to give a brief overview of what you can configure in your theme.

Benefits of creating a custom theme for your No-code

Instills trust in your users

Creating a theme that has your branding makes the transition for your end-users smoother when they depart your experience and jump into ours. This jump is now barely noticeable if you configure a theme that suits your brand. The No-code onboarding will feel more integrated within your onboarding experience and hence give the user the trust to keep the flow going, increasing conversion rates and making the journey faster and more efficient.

Empowers your brand

Adding your brand guidelines to the No-code onboarding reduces the exposure of other services in your onboarding experience and adds another element that you can use to promote your brand and build a relationship with your end-users.

Overview of the feature—What you can configure

Now, we'd like to give a brief overview of the feature itself and showcase what you can configure. Overall, you can configure the main colors, add your logotype, configure the buttons according to your preferred shape and style, add your custom font, style the text elements, and customize all inputs such as radio buttons, checkboxes, and input fields. Note that we're constantly improving our products, so there might be more in this feature than what you read here. We always strive to improve, and love feedback, so bring us your ideas, improvements, where should we take this next if you have any suggestions.

General colors

We've made it possible to configure the page background color, divider lines, as well as focus colors. You can also configure the style of the canvas that contains the onboarding components: change backgrounds, configure borders, and how curvy your corners should be, as well as shadows.


Your logotype is the lighthouse of your brand, and we want you to display it as the main logo in the top navigation, of course.


Are your buttons square, pill-shaped, or somewhat rounded? Do they have a background color or only borders? How do they look when you hover your cursor over them? Configure all this and much more.

Fonts and Texts

We know how important fonts are (hey, we've got two custom ones ourselves!), and we want you to showcase your fonts in our flow. Hence, it's super simple to upload a font for each weight and then add sizes, colors, letter spacing, and more to the different heading and paragraph styles that the No-code onboarding uses.


Finally, the inputs are as important as anything else. The No-code has quite a few components where the end-user shall answer through an input field, a radio button, or a checkbox, and hence, we wanted to make sure that you can add your branding touch to all of these elements.

It's live

We've published the feature in the Bits dashboard, and we hope you will find it as fun to configure the style of your No-code as we did while building it.

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